Thursday, April 21, 2005

Baby Geese and Parrots

The eggs in the goose nest right outside the door to our building here hatched the other day. Within hours after they hatched, they were cute bundles of fuzzy yellow feathers running around on their own -- much to their mother's dismay. A day later the parents marched their goslings over to a near-by lake.

How come baby geese are so competent and cute when baby parrots are totally helpless and look like something from a grade C SF flick?

For example

My theory is that baby parrots are too busy growing an intellegent brain to have any energy left over for cute. Geese seem to make-do without benefit of brain.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good theory, but baby robins (and perhaps a lot of other birds) are pretty darn ugly and I don't know if they have big brains.