Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Oops. My mistake...

In a previous post on threading I gave a high-level pseudocode description of a multithreaded MPEG decoder.

It was wrong.

A revised (and, I hope, more correct) version is:

The new high level design for video looks like:

  • Accept input, and separate into VOBs
  • Hold VOBs for processing [MT]
  • Pick a VOB and demux its content into substreams
  • Queue packets for decoder(s)[MT]
  • Decode stream into buffer in decoded VOB
  • Wait for VOB completion [MT]
  • Hold completely decoded VOBs[MT]
  • Get next VOB and deliver decoded substreams to presentation engine.
  • Hold decoded, substreams for presentation [MT]
  • Mix and present decoded content.

* * *
My first instinct was to simply edit the original post and replace the incorrect "code" with the corrected version.

Then I remembered the programmer's diary, I mentioned in another post.

One of the hardest parts of becomming a good programmer is learning how to deal with mistakes. First you have to accept that you and the people you work with are going to make mistakes. Then you have to train yourself to react positively to your own and other peoples' mistakes.

Reacting positively to your own mistakes means you fix your mistakes. You don't hide them. You don't defend them. You just fix them -- and clean up any consequences resulting from the mistake.

Reacting positively to other peoples' mistakes means you bring them to their attention in a non-threatening way. You don't fix their mistakes for them (at least not silently.) You don't help them hide their mistakes. You don't gloat over their mistakes (although it's hard to avoid a certain level of "boy, I'm glad I didn't make that mistake.) What's important is that the person who makes the mistake learns that it happened, and that the mistake gets fixed.

And finally, when someone brings one of your own mistakes to your attention, the only proper response is "Thank you." After saying that then you can proceed to analyze the report to see if it's correct, but first you must reward the person who respected you enough to tell you about your (possible) mistake.

A lot of this comes from another landmark book about software development: The Psychology of Computer Programming, by Gerald Weinberg.

* * *
I predict that we will never have a good programmer as president of the United States (and vice versa.)

* * *
So why did I make this mistake? Because I was thinking about multithreading on a frame-by-frame basis. Then when I switched to thinking about it on a VOB-by-VOB basis I didn't completely reset my mental model of the problem.

How can I avoid making this kind of mistake in the future? (Or how can I make it less likely to happen?) Tough question -- maybe awarness of the potential pitfall will help.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Baby Geese and Parrots

The eggs in the goose nest right outside the door to our building here hatched the other day. Within hours after they hatched, they were cute bundles of fuzzy yellow feathers running around on their own -- much to their mother's dismay. A day later the parents marched their goslings over to a near-by lake.

How come baby geese are so competent and cute when baby parrots are totally helpless and look like something from a grade C SF flick?

For example

My theory is that baby parrots are too busy growing an intellegent brain to have any energy left over for cute. Geese seem to make-do without benefit of brain.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Parallel by force

Suppose you've created the multithreaded MPEG decoder as outlined in the previous entry. Remember the good reason for multithreading the MPEG decoder was:
  • The task is inherently multithreaded so a multithreaded solution results in simpler code.

In fact the MPEG decoder almost begs to be multithreaded.

So one day your multithreaded MPEG decoder is happily zipping thru an MPEG stream that contains just video and one audio track. The following threads are running:

#1 Accept and demux input
#2 Decode video substream
#3 Decode audio substream
#4 Mix and present substreams.

Then your boss shows up and says, "I spent all this money on a 16 CPU superserver and your application is only keeping it 25% busy. I want you to increase the parallellism so all the CPU's will be kept busy. NOW!"

* * *
Now what do you do (other than looking for a new job with a new boss.)

You've already added the "natural" multithreading that is inherent in the problem. How can you increase parallelism even further?

It's time to try to apply the other good reason.

  • The task can be cleanly decomposed into multiple sub-tasks that are highly independent; the independent tasks can use resources in parallel; and the benefits of this parallel usage outweigh the overhead of multithreading. (All three conditions must be true.)


A video stream is a series frames. Maybe we can create multiple threads and have each thread decode a separate frame. So we add component that separates the stream into a series of, undecoded frames (yes this is fairly easy to do without actually decoding the frames) and a pool of threads that processes these frames. Each thread from the pool picks up the next un-decoded frame, decodes it, and adds the result to a collection of decoded frames. Since frame-decode time varies as a function of the complexity of the image, we also need component to shuffle the decoded frames back into the correct order.

Voila, we can keep as many CPU's busy as we want to by looking forward far enough. Makes sense, right?

Nice theory, anyway. When you start coding the frame decoder, you'll quickly run into a major stumbling block. One of the techniques MPEG uses to compress the video image is to send most frames as a diff from the previous frame. This is very effective -- especially when the movie is showing relatively static scenery (it doesn't work so well during explosions.) Thus as you decode frame #n you regularly have to refer back to frame #n-1 to apply the diff and thereby create the final result. Even more interesting, sometimes you have to look *forward* to frame #n+1! (Don't ask, the MPEG folks are a twisted bunch.)

So the thread-per-frame solution sounds plausable (you can probably sell it to your boss) but fails the "independance" test. Back to the drawing board.

Fortunately for DVDs there's another approach. In order to support fast forward, slow motion, jump to scene, etc, the video on a DVD is carved up into chunks called video objects (VOBs) A VOB contains about half a second worth of video, audio, subtitles, etc. and what's more important each VOB is independant of the VOBs that preceed it and follow it. So, although the thread-per-frame idea was a bust, a thread-per-VOB approach will work nicely. You may need a priority scheme to insure that the thread that's decoding the VOB scheduled to show up next on the screen gets all the resources it needs, but other than that you've found a clean division of the main task into subtasks that can take advantage of the available CPU's by running in parallel.

The new high level design for video looks like:
  1. Accept and demux input
  2. Queue packets for decoder(s)[MT]
  3. Separate into VOBs
  4. Hold VOBs for processing[MT]
  5. Decode VOB
  6. Hold decoded VOBs for reordering[MT]
  7. Reorder decoded VOBs into decode stream
  8. Queue decoded streams for mixer.[MT]
  9. Mix and present substreams.

This approach has added some more synchronization spots -- one to hold the separated VOBs waiting to be decoded, and one to hold the decoded VOBs until they can be placed in the correct sequence and passed on to the mixer. It might be tempting to try to merge demuxer with the VOB separator or the decoded VOB holder with the decoded stream queue, but don't give in to temptation. Solve one problem at a time and let the inherent parallelism take care of improving performance. [or at least get it working correctly and profile it before optimizing.]

The moral of the story:
  • Finding the right decomposition into independant subtasks needs to be done carefully based on detailed understanding of the domain. An obvious solution may not be the right solution.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Multithreading: Why bother?

So multithreading synchronization is hard and requires hardware support. How do all those existing multithreaded programs manage to work?

Answer #1 Someone got lucky. Doesn't it comfort you to know that the software flying your airplane might be working by accident?

Answer #2: To write thread-safe code you have to follow a different set of rules. Actually an additonal set of rules, because all the old rules for writing good programs still apply.

Since single threaded code runs faster, is easier to write, and is easier to test than multithreaded code, why anyone would willingly go to all the effort necessary to write multithreaded code? Good question. The first decision that needs to be made when designing a multithreaded program is, "is this necessary?" If you can't come up with a compelling benefit for multithreading, go for the simple solution.

There are lots of bad reasons for multithreading, and only a couple of good ones. The good reasons I know of:

  1. The task is inherently multithreaded so a multithreaded solution results in simpler code; or
  2. The task can be cleanly decomposed into multiple sub-tasks that are highly independent; the independent tasks can use resources in parallel; and the benefits of this parallel usage outweigh the overhead of multithreading. (All three conditions must be true.)

Let me provide an example of the first case.

MPEG is a standard for encoding audio-video information. A stream of MPEG encoded data can contain many substreams. For example: an MPEG encoded movie recorded on a DVD might contain a single stream of video, two or three streams of video overlay (the subtitles in various languages); several streams of audio (the main audio track in different languages, etc. and the director's comments); and DVD navigation information to support fast forward, fast reverse, etc.

These substreams are multiplexed at a packet level. The overall data stream consists of a set of fixed-sized packets and each packet is part of a a particular substream. You could have a navigation packet, two video packets, and audio packet, another video packet, a subtitle packet, and so on.

The substreams themselves have a rich internal structure. For example the video stream contains sequences of variable bit-length, huffman encoded data fields. Suppose the video stream decoder has extracted the first five bits of an eleven bit field when it hits a packet boundary, it would be a nightmare to attempt to save the video-decoding state including the partially extracted field, and switch to a completely different context in order to be able to properly decode the audio packet that comes next.

Splitting the MPEG decoder into a main demultiplexing thread and independent decoding threads for each substream, and a mixing thread to manage the simultaneous presentation of the decoded threads dramatically simplifies design.

It is interesting to note that there are two synchronization hot-spots in the multithreaded version of the MPEG decoder. One is the point at which the demultiplexer passes a packet is passed to the specific stream decoder for this type of packet, and the other is the point at which the mixer accepts the decoded substreams for integration and presentation. Everything between these two points can and should be coded as if the program were single threaded.

These synchronization hot spots should be separate components. A possible high level design would be:
  • Accept and demux input
  • Queue packets for decoder(s)[MT]
  • Decode substream
  • Queue decoded streams for mixer.[MT]
  • Mix and present substreams.

Multithreading issues should addressed only in the two components marked [MT]. Everything else should be written as if it were single threaded (and protected accordingly.)

Friday, April 15, 2005

The moral equivalent of a mutex

In yesterday's post I used the phrase "The moral equivalent of a mutex." I claimed that it was not possible to write code that shares data between threads safely without one.

This prompted an anonymous response which cited Dekker's algorithm as an example of a software-only synchronization mechanism. I appreciate the response (even though I immediately rebutted it) because it prompted a train of thought about what the "moral equivalent..." is and why multithreaded code is so falupin' hard.

Mutex equivalents on Win32 include: CriticalSection, Event, Mutex, Semaphore, InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedExchange, and so on... Other OS's support some of these and have their own, unique variants with various degrees of arcanity (SYSV Semaphores, for example.) The point is that all of these objects are designed specifically to address thread synchronization.

Dekker's algorithm is interesting because it is an algorithm for implementing a critical section. I'd count it as the moral equivalent... with one caveat. It doesn't work unless there is an underlying hardware synchronization mechanism.

The algorithm contains the following code:
flags[i] = BUSY;
while(flags[j] == BUSY)
<if you get here you have access to the resource>

The problem shows up in the following sequence of events:

Thread 0: flags[0] = BUSY;
Thread 0: while(flags[1] == BUSY) // false so thread 0 has access
Thread 1: flags[1] = BUSY;
Thread 1: while(flags[0] == BUSY) // flags[0] from cache is still FREE
// so the condition is false and thread 1
// also has access to the resource

I'm not saying that Dekker's algorithm is wrong. I'm saying that it contains an underlying and invisible assumption about how things are executed in the computer. In particular it assumes that operations on shared memory are atomic and immediately visible to other threads. If that assumption is correct then the algorithm works. Thus the algorithm reduces the problem of providing CriticalSection behavior to the problem of implementing the shared property.

* * *

A programmer reading code, has a mental model of how the machine works. Most of the time we use a very simple model -- things in our mental model happen sequentially in the order that they appear in the source code we are reading. Having this simple model is A Good Thing[TM] because it allows us to concentrate on what the program is supposed to be achieving rather than how it goes about achieving it.

The problem with this simple model is performance. The code may say:

for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
someFunction(i * k);

but the compiler may generate code that looks more like:

int j = 0;
j += 10;
} while (j < 100);

on many processors a literal translation of the second version will be faster than a literal translation of the first version -- so the language standards committees have given compiler writers freedom to provide the second version as a legal compilation of the first code.

If you observe the state of the system before this code executes, and after it completes, you can't tell the difference between the two versions. The only observable difference is that one version runs a bit faster.

The programmer gets to write code in a way that describes the algorithm most clearly (in his mind, anyway), and the processor gets to execute code that generates the desired result faster. Everybody is happy.

* * *

Multithreading changes the rules. Rather than observing the before and after states of the system, you now have to be concerned about every intermediate state that might be visible to another thread. A lot of discussions of multithreading present C source code and discuss the implications of an interruption occurring between each statement. The discussion of the incorrect algorithms that precedes the presentation of Dekker's algorithm uses this technique to identify the points of failure. This is a step in the right direction, but it's still not good enough.

Consider the following statement:

volatile i;
a[i] = b[i] + c[i];

and what happens if "i" is potentially changeable by an outside agency (another thread, a memory mapped I/O, etc.) For example, suppose that before executing this statement i has the value 0, but sometime during the execution of the statement i takes on a value of 1. How many possible outcomes are there for this statement?

The answer surprises many people. There are 8 possible outcomes because the compiler is free to evaluate the three instances of i in any order it chooses to. To analyze an algorithm containing the above statement in a multithreaded environment you must consider all eight of these cases.

So all we need to do is break each statement down into phrases that can occur in arbitrary order and analyze the effect of an interrupt between any two phrases. Are we there yet?

Well, it depends on how many phrases you see in the following statement:


Assuming int j;, this probably compiles into a single machine language statement: inc [j] -- hence one phrase, right?

Nope. At this microcode level, this statment says: retrieve the value of j from memory; add one to it; store the new value back into memory location j. That's two phrases (why not three? because "add one to it" is internal to the processor and therefore invisible to other threads.)

So, we've gotten to the microcode level. We must be at the right level of analysis by now.

Sorry, to truly understand you have to throw in instruction pipelining, and cache (remember cache.) Once you take them into account, then you model of what really happens in the machine is complete enough to analyze the thread-safeness of the probram.

Alas, pipelining and caching issues are truly beyond the control of the programmer, so the problem of ensuring thread-safeness appears to be unsolvable.


Thank goodness there's a way to tell the hardware to switch momentarily from its default anything-for-speed mode into a safe-for-the-silly-programmer mode. Every processor has at least one synchronization operation that does things like flushing and/or updating cache, locking the bus for a read/alter/rewrite cycle, etc. These operations tend to produce a dramatic slow down because they defeat all the work that went into designing a cache and a pipeline, etc to speed things up. The other problem is on many CPU's the hardware guys decided that these operations should be reserved for kernel mode, so enlisting the hardware's help may involve an OS call with the corresponding high-overhead context switch.

In any case, I think this justifies Rule #1: Multithreading is hard.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Multithreading considered

Peter said I should post this, so....

Hi Peter,

On 4/14/05, Peter Wilson wrote:
> Do you know of any books on threading in software design written at
> the level of Design Patterns?

Sounds like a great book. I want a copy! 8-)

There have been some interesting articles recently in C++ journal, but I haven't seen any of the "newer thinking on threads" gathered into a book.

This is going to become more critical RSN as the multi-core chips hit the market. Maybe I should write a book!

Rule #1: Multithreading code is hard.
Corollary: If you don't think it's hard, your code is wrong! (witness Java synchronized)

Rule #2: If the hardware isn't involved at some point, it's wrong.
There are no software-only synchronization methods. This doesn't mean you have to lock a mutex every time you touch shared data. It just means that somewhere in any thread safe technique there has to be a mutex (or the moral equivalent.)

Rule #3: Don't try to cheat -- particularly not for performance sake.
Multithreading buys you performance through parallelism, not
through shoddy coding techniques. (remember the Double Checked
Locking Pattern? (and see my blog for TCLP))

Rule #4: You need a model.
If you wing it, or play it by ear, you'll get it wrong (I'll put money on it.) Separate the thread-safeness from everything else and get it right in isolation. Then use encapsulation to keep "the next guy" from cheating.

Rule #5: Testing multithreading code is harder (and more important) than writing it in the first place.

how'm I doing?


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Joel on Hungarian

I just got around to reading the third installment of Joel On Software's essays on the new FogBugz release.

In it he extolls the virtues of Hungarian notation. I was somewhat taken aback, since Joel usually makes so much sense and Hungarian is such an abomination, but then I noticed the context.

Hungarian notation was originally developed to overcome a deficiency in the C language and in C compilers -- weak type checking. Using HN you could do the "type checking" by eyeball rather than relying on the compiler. Once the language and compilers got smart enough to complain when you tried to assign the address of a SnaggleWhomp to a pointer to DeedleBlang then the justification for Hungarian disappeared -- leaving only it's significant drawbacks. artThe adjMost advImportant prepOf adjithinkThese nounsubjDrawbacks verbWas adjUnreadable nounobjCode.

However, the reason Joel gives for valuing Hungarian is that the home-grown Thistle compiler they use at Fog Creek has trouble compiling VB Net without it. Aha-- once again you have a defective language and a deficient compiler to compensate for and Hungarian rides again!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Supercomputers and tapestry weaving

There's always been a strong link between computers and weaving, but a recent New Yorker article looks at the relationship from a different perspective.

It's a long article so don't worry that the computers don't show up for a while.