Monday, January 10, 2005

It's warped

I tried to track my time dressing the loom for this project. Usually when someone looks at something I've woven and says "How long did it take you to weave that?" I stare at them blankly 'cause I really don't know. For this one, it's taken just over 8 hours to wind the warp, slay the reed, thread the heddles, and wind it on (I'm warping from front to back 'cause I always warp from front to back.) I guess I should also count the two hours Tina spent helping me wind it on. It wouldn't have been so bad but I made some mistakes winding the warp that led to some significant tangles that needed to be managed.

And then there's that unmistakable feeling when you finally open a shed and one thread -- right in the middle -- is not behaving properly. Aarrgghh... It was getting late and I was tired so I didn't even try to diagnose the problem -- I went to bed instead.

Of course that means I woke up in the middle of the night wondering whether I was going to have to rethread half the loom, hand tie a heddle or just cut out the bad thread and ignore the minor slaying glitch. It turned out to be the best possible outcome. The "missing heddle" was there, right beside the unattached thread. All I had to do was untie that thread from cloth beam, rethread, and reslay that single thread. Add another 1/2 hour to the "how long did it take?" answer, and it's ready to weave.

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